Mouth-watering morsels to tempt even the most demanding taste buds.

What can only be described as a culinary masterpiece, the hog roast is without a doubt one of the most splendid and opulent taste sensations known to man. Steeped deeply within our heritage and history here within Britain, hog roasts often provided the centrepiece of many a royal banquet and when cooked properly, to perfection, […]

Coordinating and Designing an Event – Part 1

Outdoor events, weddings, and parties are exciting occasions and they take a lot of preparation, organization of portable toilets and prior work to ensure they are a success. Professional event coordinators should make sure that they have thought of all of the details so that the party can go off without a hitch. These small […]

We’re making our way into summer now.

All the flowers are beginning to bloom, the sun is making its way out to warm up the days and soon the fields will be filled with lambs, calves and piglets. The sun is out and with it brings a new kind of oomph to our team, who are getting excited about the many events […]

Hog Roasts for the summer – Enjoy one whilst you can!

So far this year has been an eventful and curious one as far as the weather goes, as though we didn’t have to tell you! With a myriad of weather fronts to test even the calmest of individuals, Britain is not particularly renowned for its hot climate, if fact quite the opposite! However we can […]

Hog Roast Caterers with a difference.

Whatever your requirements are going to be for the months ahead, whether attending parties or arranging them, there are many catering solutions that are presented to you across the internet. One in particular is the fantastic hog roast. Here at Hog Roast Event Catering we are one of the leading hog roast caterers in the […]

Have a royal knees up!

We’ve all had a really enjoyable Easter weekend, I think most of the team enjoyed an Easter egg or two and we may have over indulged on the hot cross buns. The sun was out making it a lovely Easter even if it did get a bit chilly towards the end of the weekend. This […]

Hog Roast Catering from the best on the market!

When you are looking for the perfect catering for your event why not choose something rather unusual in the form of a hog roast. When you are looking for catering a Hog roast is not the first thing that comes to mind but a hog roast can be the most exquisite dish and will win […]

wind in your sails

When it comes to event catering, we supply services which are the total and utter antithesis to the grey skies which pervade our society at the moment. With heavy cumulonimbus stacked high above the low lying cumulus layers which blanket the ground almost to the point of being head-height, the people of the country conduct […]

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