Hog Roast Barnsley

Your Local Hog Roast Catering Company

Taste the CracklinNorthern Britain was at the heart of Britain’s industrial revolution. The big Yorkshire and Lancashire towns were the engine which helped propel the nation to a time of great expansion and achievement. It is a sad fact that much of the industry that helped put these northern giants on the map has long since gone. Many of the mills are empty or demolished and lots of the coal mining pits have been abandoned.

Barnsley was one of these northern giants and in many ways, it still is, with a sizeable seventy odd thousand population calling this corner of Yorkshire their home. Much work has gone into helping Barnsley move on from the industries of the past and there certainly signs that changes are going to be positive. One change that most definitely is positive is Barnsley love of hog roast as this could signal the death knell for tired and boring old catering at local events. The hog roast Barnsley revolution is coming!

Well, it’s not just a hog roast Barnsley revolution but a United Kingdom catering revolution, because this part of Yorkshire is but the tip of the catering iceberg when it comes to changing the nations catering habits. And how they need changing. For the last couple of decades we have all had to suffer some appalling excuse for special event food…when all that was really needed was some great quality, freshly cooked traditional produce. Is it any wonder that people have stepped back in time to embrace the wonders of the hog roast.

The success of the hog roast hire Barnsley event is that it is great food at its most simple. There really is no need to over complicate food when you can achieve so much with so few ingredients. Hog roast is the ultimate example of superb back to basics cooking. As any of the top TV chefs will tell you, get then basics right and the rest will follow. That is why people love hog roast.

So, if you have an event to organise, would you be taking a risk by booking a hog roast hire Barnsley chef? Absolutely not! If there was ever a way to guarantee you event was a great success then having a hog roast as its basis could be the answer. People love everything that hog roast has to offer and the flexibility that comes with serving this Medieval beast. Did you know that hog roast has a formal and an informal side to it? That’s right.

Hog Roast Barnsley – Leaders In Our Field

The hog roast chef can prepare your hog roast to suit the occasion. For instance, let’s suppose you are having a bit of Christening event. As you know, these can be quite lively affairs and are usually very friendly and easy going…so they are perfect for having hog roast rolls being served. These are the most delicious rolls that you will ever taste with lashings of hog roast meat, a good helping of apple sauce and a bit of crackling to top everything off. Simply scrumptious and the perfect party food for informal occasions.

But what about those times when you really need to smarten up and show off a bit of a posh side? Don’t panic because the hog roast chef has it covered. Hog roast may sound wild but it can be tamed beautifully for just such events by being professionally carved into beautifully platefuls of gourmet hog roast.

Plated up with potatoes, delicious crackling and amazing apple sauce, you have a superb meal fit for any wedding breakfast, corporate event or society occasion. You see, with hog roast there are just no limits!

All this talking of gourmet meals takes us away from the fact that hog roasts are actually a superb value catering option and certainly not in the millionaire league that it looks. A standard sized pig can quite easily serve over one hundred people at your Barnsley event, which is quite something.

Hog roasts great taste takes time, and that is cooking time. Slow roasting is the order of the day with hog roast because it is such a big piece of meat but six hours is a seriously long time to cook. But those six hours do make a big difference and the meat really does soak up all those essential flavours from the bones making for a truly special taste.
So go on, make sure this northern giant of a town has another thing to shout about by making your big event a Barnsley hog roast event!

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