Hello From the Events Team!
Welcome to our BLOG everyone, we hope you’re all having a sensational summer so far. Although the weather of late has been about as successful as the future of Bernard Madoff, do not fear! The rain which now adds weariness to the immediate landscape as the glorious effect of replenishing it with nourishing nutrients galore, and it is in this arena which the glory of the rain makes up for ruining the brightness of our days. As a member of the events organisational team, it is my responsibility that all the details, from the larger elements right through to the finer points are handled with due attention. Through this set-up we offer something that no other caterer does; the ability to truly take away all of the stresses from your shoulders, leaving you to enjoy your event properly. Not having to worry allows our clients to properly let their hair down at their own events. Backed up by years of experience, we simply love tackling the logistical issues which many see as tedious at best. From ingredient options through to the order and motions of service, our events team have made it so very easy for our clients to have the event of their dreams, without having to worry bout the service itself. Safe and sound in our very experienced hands, our catered services are there for you to enjoy fully. So come along and see what its all about