Hog Roast Southam

Your Local Hog Roast Catering Company

Taste the Cracklin

Happy memories. Do you remember those evening events that your parents would often drag you to, usually involving relations or friends you had never met before…or who did not really care for? Yes, we have all been to them.

You could say it is part of growing up! Well, my memories of these events was always of the disco and the lights and the smoky atmosphere (we are talking the seventies and eighties here) but my overriding memories of these events was the buffet.

Okay, there were one or two nice bits and pieces to snack on but most of it was pretty awful. Strangely, it wasn’t just me or the other kids who seemed to be allergic to the bad buffet but the adults were too.

You could quickly tell which options were proving pretty unpopular and which were not quite as bad. You see, sometimes kids know just as much as the adults.

Fast forward a few years and look at me now! Yes, I have decided to right the catering wrongs of my youth and start serving up some decent food for the people of Southam. No more soggy sandwiches and sad sausage rolls. It is time to unleash the beast that is Taste the Cracklin.

That’s right, all those childhood experiences of terrible party food at weddings and christenings had taught me an important lesson; don’t put up with rubbish food!

It also served to inspire to carve out a wonderful career for myself as a Taste the Cracklin hog roast caterer, and it is proving to be the very best thing I have ever done.

Experienced Catering Professionals In Southam!

Sometimes in life you get lucky. Whether it is buying the winning raffle ticket or getting the winner in the National sweepstake. Well, my decision to make a go of it by becoming a Taste the Cracklin caterer was lucky, because I was not to know that hog roast had started to be seen as a great alternative to that sad old party food of my youth.

I was oblivious, but what I did know was that hog roast was incredibly delicious. It was an inspired decision though because I soon started getting booked for events all over the Southam area. Better still, people who I catered for were spreading the word and saying how fantastic the catering was, generating even more business for me.

Now, this may all sound like I am blowing my own trumpet a little and I guess I am, but the real star is hog roast itself. It is the feast itself that is blowing people away with the great flavour. I simply have to cook it! Well, there’s actually a lot more to it than that.

I have catered for hundreds of events all over the area and the hog roast food is now a really popular option for any special occasion, which is why I guess you are reading this. Well, if you want to give your event a bit of a sparkle in the catering department, you simply cannot go wrong with my hog roast.

Why is it special? Well, when your guests arrive at your venue (garden, hotel etc) they are going to be greeted by me cooking a whole pig. Think about that, how impressed will they be to see that wonderful welcome instead of a table covered in clingfilmed food?

I can tell you from personal experience that guests love it when they see the hog roast, it makes them feel really special and it makes them look forward to the food even more. It also adds to the overall sense of occasion, which is surely what anyone organising a special event is after.

Talking of occasion, there can no more special an occasion in anyone’s life than their wedding day and my catering is playing a bigger part in more and more of those each year.

Did you know that I can create you the most incredible hog roast gourmet meal that will delight the newly weds and the Southam guests? It is the same meat but carved with great care and served with sauce, crackling, potatoes and vegetables to give you a wedding meal to savour.

You can probably tell that I am very proud of my work and I hope that if you choose to book a Southam hog roast chef, you too will see what dedication they bring to your special event. Make your special event extra special by bringing in the Taste the Cracklin hog roast caterers!

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