Discover how a day, of catering for an event, goes.
In todays section of our BLOG, we are going to show all of you happy hoggers just what goes in to roasting and cooking a Hog Roast in Plymouth. Although the majority of our menus and catering assignments revolve around the private party and the private function menus, today you will gain an insight into the preparation and attention to detail in terms of service that we put into our glorious wedding menus. Just last weekend we catered for a very large wedding party – over 600 guests. Of course, the method of hog and spit roasting facilitates large numbers of diners very easily – however, we had a very specific time schedule to follow, which showed our clients that our trade involves so much more than preparing and serving the food.
First and foremost, we gathered all of our fresh produce and headed towards the event location. During the weeks and months before the event, the bride had worked hand-in-hand with our events staff over the phone in order to finalise a plan. Once completed, we set about our preparations with the attention to detail which we have become synonymous with.
On arriving at the event location, we tasked our in house service team to begin the seamless preparation of cleaning the champagne flutes to a blemish free sheen. Our chefs seasoned the pigs and lambs and set the machines to work – all in an orderly and thought out manner. With exceptionally turned out staff, we quickly became masters in our element – simply slotting into the routine of what we do best. Our chefs worked their magic with the dishes of salads and vegetables – whilst the lovely spit roasted meat began to slowly spread the glorious smell around the venue and event location – filling the place with a lovely and expectant wonder.
Once our service was over, we discretely removed our rubbish and all other elements of paraphernalia; leaving the guests to bask in the glory of the wedding day – filled with exceptional food, created by our skilled chefs and served by our great service team.