Enjoy a beautiful hog roast at your business events.
It’s a great morning, isn’t it? It is on my end, anyway! You might have read my previous blog posting about my week in Middlesbrough and in particular a catering job for a lovely Indian couple who needed catering for a traditional Indian wedding. Well, to put it in a few words, the day was fantastic and we even managed to pick up some more possible clients in the way of interested family members and guests. Keep your eye too on our menus as we’re pondering the inclusion of a few of the dishes we cooked at the wedding as part of our set-menu options.
Anyhow, that was last week and this is this week, and at the moment I’m in York, one of my favourite locations in the UK whether for business or pleasure, or both, as is usually the case when hog roasting!
Tomorrow I’ll be catering for an old friend and long time client at one of York’s largest annual corporate functions. We’re expecting close to a thousand guests and will be serving our Corporate Hospitality Menu 5, which is our Hog Roast Dining Menu. The menu is designed for formal, sit-down events and is the most popular menu that we have for corporate functions. The menu comes with a choice of four Canapés, your main dinner meal, including a salad and potato option and a dessert. It’s one of our most flexible and tasty menus and our staff always enjoy taking a few leftovers home!
It’s always great to be given the opportunity to cater at corporate functions as there are always opportunities and business friendships to be had. One of the perks of the job is being able to meet so many great and like minded business individuals. My friend John (the organiser of tomorrows function) for example, I got to know through catering at his events.
So that’s what I and my team will be doing tomorrow, as for today? Well, I’ve given myself a much needed day off and will let my minions do all of the work for once!