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Enjoy a lovely hog and spit roast

What a fine day for a hog and spit roast – and today you get to see just how important it is to get all the little details right in order to create the perfect whole. As the owner of the business, it is important for me to know that all of our services are achieving as and how I want them to. Without this knowledge I can have no control – and without control my position is to a point, pointless. When we began we were a tiny outfit, so quality management was easy – as everything we ever had or did was under my nose. Nowadays, we are much larger and can cater for numerous catering assignments per day. So, come with me and lets have a look at how things are going today.

Having just visited the first culiary expeditiona at the wedding of one of our clients I am pleased to report that the food and service is exceptional. Indeed, I dont know if even I was that good at carving a whole roast pig. On viewing the pig, I could see that the seasonong cmbinatoin had successfully penetrated into the meat, which is always a bonus. The crackling was prepared with an expert hand and I could not fault any part of the service. I left, leaving the chefs and staff to get on with it – they don’t want an old codger like me in the way anyway! A perfect Hog Roast in Bolton.

My next stop took me to a sports club on the outskirts of town – in a lovely rural location. Here, the service was outside beneath the natural canopy of a large tree. The atmosphere was jovial. I arrived in great time, as the meat was not yet ready for service and the chefs were completing the vegetable and salad dishes. A great variety was on show – with the fresh tomato and mozzarella salad looking beautiful as it was garnished with olive oil. As the meat was served I heard gasps of anticipation – these gasps saying it all really – when do you ever get that sort of reaction with other types of food preparation.

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