No event is too big for our hog roasts to handle
Good afternoon once again to our loyal blog readers and to
anyone who’s just happened across the blog. I’m writing and working from London
today… So, I might as well delve straight into what it is I’m going to be
doing on this surprisingly nice day.
Throughout the day I’ll be doing the usual office work,
nothing to exciting or entertaining. Tonight however I’ll be heading up my
catering team for a very big corporate/political seminar and dinner for, wait
for it… 1400 people! That’s right. The event’s a big’un and the place is
going to be packed full of influential and successful business men/women and
politicians. If we can woo the guests with amazing food and service there’s
potential from this event to grab a whole host of new clients, most of which
would require catering for events on a similar scale, hundreds, if not
thousands of people.
Given the nature of the event it shouldn’t be surprising to
learn that the dinner is a sit-down event. We’ll be going all out for this dinner
and are taking 6 hog roast machines with us. Not only are we going to be
cooking a great variety of spit roasted foods, the number of machines will also
look amazing. Any hog roast machine cooking whole animals looks fantastic, but
having several gives a real air of drama and we’re hoping to add to the sense
of occasion. That’s one of the many reasons people enjoy hog roasting for their
events, whole animals being cooked on a beautiful stainless steel machine gives
the event that little bit extra . Hog roasting manages to be honest as well as
being extravagant at the same time.
Naturally I’m excited today, but
until tonight I’ll be busy here making sure everything is in place and all our
chefs and staff are ready to go. That’s what my day looks like. To have us
catering at your own event simply ring the office and one of our dedicated
sales team will help guide you towards a decision that’s right for you