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Our amazing hog roast machinery.

In todays section of our BLOG you get to see how mechanical maintenace can make all the difference when it comes to the success of our hog and sppit roasts at the events of our clients across the whole region. By utilising and making use oof the finest hog and spit roasting machinery, we underlne our commitment to providing quality at every step of the way when it comes to the food we serve. Along with this, maintenance is vital – and not just necessary for keeping our machines looking beautiful. Our machines are essentially a part of our roasting team – without them we couldn’t cater in any location for hundreds of people with excepptional spit roasted meat. Thereore, we must take them apart and service them periodically.

One of ouor technicians took 3 machinees apart this moring and throughly cleaned and inspected all parts. He burners are on of the most important areas on the machine – crucial for providing the best Hog Roast in Liverpool. Each burner has over 30 holes – each of which deploys a flame which roasts the meat as it turns above it. With two burners i each machine, there are many lovely, dancing flames which are visible through our glass viewing panels – great for guests as theey can see whats going on and really get involved in the whole process. On inspectin, each burner was working to 100 % capacity. After cleaning and reassembly, more machines wer serviced – the whole process taking the whole day and some of the evening to accomplish.

Whereas other parts of our BLOG will show snippets of happenings on events, these mechanical insights are just as important. The reason why we are so successful is that we treat eeach aspect of our service with diligence and care. If we dont look after our equipment, it simply will not look after us. So when you see us at your next hog and spit roast event – rememebr that there is alot of work, love and care that goes into making the food in front of you so fantastic to eat.

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