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We invite you to read how a day of catering for an event goes.

Welcome to our Blog – today you will effectvely be accompnaying us as we cater at an event of one of our clients. We will write as we go and then upload at the end of the day. Right now its 7 in the morning and we are about to head to one of the farms where we source our delicious meats from – only the best will do for a Hog Roast in Milton Keynes with us. All the equipment has been checked, loaded and secured into our vehicles -so lets jump on board and head off!

On the road now and we are just running through the options and menu choices which our clients have asked for. A crucial time in any event, this part of the day ensures that we all know what we are doing -and crucially if anyone has any questions or issues, we can sort them out now and iron out any organisational problems which may arise.

Picked up the freshly slaughtered pigs and its into refridgeration straight away. As ever, the produce is excellent – great colouring showing a healthy animal which lived a life where it was free to roam and forage. This translates to great taste and is another crucial and vital factor when it comes to supplying top quality food that we can be proud of and our clients will love.

On location now after talking with the client. With all the details sorted we have now set up our machines and the freshly seasoned and prepared pigs are roasting happily away in there. Visible throug the viewing panel in the machine – they have already created a stir, with everyone wanting o see the lovely turning pigs.

Just finished serving the main courses and the reaction was fantastic – the client said that it was the best food she had expeienced via an outside caterer! We’re glad it made her birthday that bit more special!

Cleared all our rubbish, refuse and equuipment away and its of to leave te clients to enjoy the rest of the party – it sure looked like everyone was having fun!

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