Our hog roasts are locally sourced!
I’ve been travelling across England lately as you may have
noticed, and at the moment I’m in Portsmouth. Yesterday was something a little
different than what I’m usually getting up to, as I was travelling through
Portsmouth visiting a good number of independent farmers and butchers.
It’s a good job I wrapped up warm yesterday as there was no
refuge from the windy weather. In the end it was a great day and I found a few
farmers and butchers who I’m more than happy to, in fact I’m eager to work
An important part of my personal and as an extension the
company ethos is quality above all else, the long term above the short. One of
the reasons for the success of our hog roast services in Portsmouth as with
other locations I believe is the emphasis that we place on capitalising on
great, local produce. We insist on using free range, organic and locally
sourced foods. Not only does this have great benefits to us as the food we cook
for customers is incredibly fresh and tastes wonderful, it also helps out the
local community because we’re helping independent farmers and butchers, often
shut out by big farming and big business, to survive and in a lot of cases
Yesterday I travelled to meet many great butchers and
farmers to sample their food and learn about their produce, their history,
their jobs. I met some great people and although I can’t work with all of them
there were several individuals I met who we’ll be working closely with in
future and using their fresh, ethically raised produce for our hog roast
catering in Portsmouth.
There’s some absolutely amazing work being done by farmers
in Portsmouth and some of the food I tasted yesterday was as good as any I’ve
ever tasted.
Today it’s back to the norm,
more event catering and paperwork. Stay tuned for future blog posts from myself
and if you’re in Portsmouth on Twitter help spread the word by tweeting our
blog posts.