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Pick up the phone and eat meat off the bone

The hog roast is fast becoming one of the favourites amongst the vast and varied ‘intelligentsia’ within the food world. In recent years, the idea of eating and sourcing great food has become almost a national obsession. And why not? For years we have been purporting the idea of culinary quality, and now it seem s that the glorious nation of Britain is finally following our lead. This month, we have been attending various food orientated events and educational functions which aim to show off the sheer quality, taste and glory which is housed within the confines of the hog roast.

More recently, not least through the help of huge drives on the behalf of television and celebrity chefs, the nation has become much more interested and aware in where their food comes from. No longer just buying fillets in packets with an air of ignorance, now the citizenry are knowledgeable as regards the fields and pastures from which their meat arrives. Our meat products utilise the whole carcass of the animals we use. Not only does this cut down on our carbon foot-print (as less industrial practices are needed to fillet and package our produce), it also drastically reduces our costs.

So in light of the forward motion of our food tastes, all it takes now is for you to pick up the phone and eat meat off the bone.

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